Imagine a Love That Fills, Not Drains | Envisioning Self-Sustaining Relationships

Mona Khalil
May 30, 2022


Cover of a Banksy journal and a bouquet of yellow roses
Cover of a Banksy journal next to a bouquet of yellow roses

Imagine being with someone who loves the shit out of you

And doesn’t make you feel like you owe them anything.

Imagine focusing on you so hard that the seeds you planted

Grew to feed you and your family.

Imagine seeing more of the world to give to.

Imagine feeling so good that you can

Give, give, and give and still feel full and replenished.

Imagine a space you’ve created and curated

Where you can trust the people around you

When you aren’t 100%.


-Written July 2, 2019

Journal #38

🇪🇬🥭🇬🇾 Name dipped in mango | | منى خليل | #iwritelettersinmythoughts | | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook @iammonakhalil



Mona Khalil

Name Dipped In Mango | Certified Executive and Leadership Coach | Peace Corps, Tesla, LinkedIn Alum | Author of #iwritelettersinmythoughts 🇬🇾🥭🇪🇬