Silver Lining | Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Moments (Poetry)
I drove 1.5 hours on 880 South from San Francisco to Fremont for my morning commute. Parked in the parking lot of the Tesla Factory. I procrastinated walking into work. I sat in my car and scrolled through Instagram to unwind from the traffic. I read a quote a dear friend posted:
“You can’t have a million-dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic.” -Stephen C. Hogan
Reading it had me confront feeling suffocated. The words poured out of me. I immediately wrote down my thoughts in my Notes app:
Silver Lining | Written September 9, 2016
Brown girls
Don’t make it
Out of these streets
Coming up in America
They put in 1 percent,
Yet you are expected to give 99.
I keep it 100.
They have lit a fire in us,
There is no turning back from.
Tell us to prove our worth,
Fighting our way through,
Challenge to challenge,
At no time have I been
Offered anything
On a silver platter.
Have you?
Page 52, I Write Letters in my Thoughts
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